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Become Facebook Agency Partner



Learn Guide to Become Facebook Marketing Partner Badge Only Eligible agencies can unlock a Facebook Marketing Partner

Table Of Contents

What is Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies?

Why become a Facebook Marketing Partner?

Facebook Agency Partner benefits

Facebook Agency Partner Requirements

Before you begin to become a partner your company business manager verified or completes Facebook business verification

If you have completed your business verification fill out this form to request to join Facebook agency partner program


Marketing partner badge for only Eligible agencies can unlock a Facebook Marketing Partner badge to display on your agency marketing collateral, get listed in our Partner Directory to benefit from increased exposure to potential clients and get additional benefits such as advanced support, more advanced agency-specific resources and a host of training options to help develop your talents.


What is Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies?

Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies is designed specifically for agencies that manage advertising campaigns on behalf of brands or other businesses. It is built to support your agency, grow your expertise and help your clients succeed through agency-specific education, best practices, training, and more

Why become a Facebook Marketing Partner?

You’ll be joining a global community of specialists known for excellent service and technical skills. The program offers client matches and gives access to resources that can help fuel the growth of your business.

Facebook Agency Partner benefits

Once you join Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies, you will have access to a variety of benefits designed specifically to fuel agency growth.

  • Tools

Understand and improve performance with analytics tools, recommendations, and reports – all easily accessible through the Agency Hub.

  • Resources

Save time with self-serve access to the latest sales materials and messaging, plus campaign best practices for better measurement and creative production.

  • Training

Enhance knowledge of the Facebook family with agency-specific learning tools and advanced training sessions from the Blueprint educational team.

  • Support

Access additive assistance through consultations and one-to-one chat support.

  • Events

Participate in a Facebook Marketing Partners Agency EXPO, training sessions and other exclusive virtual events to fuel business success.

  • Recognition

Gain recognition as a badged partner and exposure to prospective clients by getting listed in our Facebook Partner Directory.

Facebook Agency Partner Requirements

Qualifying for Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies


To become a member, your agency must meet the minimum criteria:

Verified Business Manager


  • Minimum 180-day ad spend of USD 10,000
  • In supported region:
  • Be headquartered in a supported market

Business Pages:

  • Your Business Manager must be connected to at least ten Facebook Pages, each having a minimum ad spend of USD 100 in the last 90 days
  • Ads policy compliance:

Your Business Manager must be in compliance with our ads policy

Qualifying for Facebook Marketing Partners for Agencies

To become a badged Facebook Marketing Partner, your agency is evaluated across a combination of criteria:



  • Spend:
    Amount of media investment from ad accounts in selected Business Managers over the last 180 days.
  • Qualifying placements:
    Percentage of ads with automatic placement or two or more placements chosen on Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network, excluding the right column in the last 90 days.
  • Qualifying spend:
    Percentage of media investment against direct response objectives optimized to drive meaningful business outcomes for your clients in the last 90 days.
  • Active Pages:
    A number of active Pages connected to ad accounts with a spend of at least USD 100 in the last 90 days.




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